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Free Accounting Resources

Does the word "accounting" make your palms sweaty?

All business owners - whether you're ready to outsource your finances or not - deserve the tools and resources to manage their money.

That's why I started HM Accounting. To offer everything from done-for-you accounting services to DIY tools (like these!) for managing your business finances like a pro.


Whether you've got your sights set on millionaire status or just want to build a business that affords you the life you're dreaming of, we're here to help you get there and enjoy the journey!

Men with Calculator
Office talks


As an accountant, I understand the importance of having the right resources at hand. That's why I created a collection of digital resources that include workbooks, guides and tools to assist business owners with their accounting needs.


You can find all of these resources on my Etsy store, where I offer affordable solutions for businesses of all sizes. Whether you need help with bookkeeping, taxes, or financial planning, my digital resources will help you stay organized and empowered.



If you've ever opened the banking app on your phone and thought "surely that's not right - my account must have been hacked!" just to find out it was in fact you who spent every rand but you still don't even know where your money really went - then you need this guide. 

It's time to learn how to manage your cash flow like a pro! 
Download your free guide to get started!​

This guide includes regular tasks to build into your workflow to ensure you don't run out of cash, tips on how to create and keep a budget, and the best apps to use to track expenses seamlessly. With this guide, you'll feel confident in managing your cash flow and might even be checking your bank balance daily!



Having a budget will keep you in check when you want to overspend. The point is to give yourself enough wiggle room that you don't go broke but to be realistic with how much is actually needed to start the business.

Curious how much is going's to cost you to start that new business? It can be tricky to know where to start.​

This guide walks you through all of the steps on how to determine how much your new business idea will cost. You'll be able to model your budget off an example and move forward knowing exactly what you need to get started!



For entrepreneurs who want a better understanding of the financial side of their business without spending hours going down a google rabbit hole just to surface feeling confused, stressed & overwhelmed.

It's time to feel cool, calm & collected when it comes to looking at your finances.

If you're a small business owner who has ever worried that you're living beyond your means or felt unsure of how much you can spend, you need this guide. The strategies in this guide are based on the success I've seen with my clients. When you adjust your mindset and understand the financial side of your business, you're going to stress less and spend with ease! 

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